




    Students at Sargent Center learn the lesson ''A Season of Sharing''

    December 21, 2015
    The lessons taught at the Sargent Rehabilitation Center are lessons of living and working in a community and of being an integral part of that community. Every community has the need of charitable giving and the holiday season brings out that spirit more than at any other time of the year.
    Each year, the students at Sargent Center hold a Holiday Sale of craft items made by the students as part of their recovery therapy at the Neuro-Rehabilitation Center’s programs in teaching life skills. The items included jewelry, holiday cards and plants.
    The students are part of the decision making process as to how the revenue will be used and they proposed making a charitable donation. “So many other organizations could really use the money” according to Austin. “It is too greedy to keep it all” chimed in Shad. After targeting areas of need: health, environment, conservation and homelessness, they researched which nonprofits had good ratings based on dollars spent on programs verses overhead. They then composed a letter of donation in the amount of $50 each to be sent to The National Alliance to End Homelessness, The Cancer Research Institute and The Wildlife Conservation Society.
    Truly making this, “A Season of Sharing”
    Sargent Rehabilitation center specializes in outpatient medical rehabilitation and education services for children and adults with disabilities with the goal of moving clients toward maximum community access to education, daily living and employment. Sargent offers a Pediatric Center for children with autism and other complicated neurological disorders: a Neuro-Rehabilitation Center for adolescents and adults with brain injury and a regional Resource center offering training, consultation and technical assistance to professionals and families.